How much water you need to drink to be healthy

Quantity of water to drink

Do you know the body is composed of more than 60% of water? 

You may have heard that drinking 8 ounces of water  everyday is necessary to replace lost water. 

You body loses waste water daily through  sweat, urine and breathing.

Because of this continual loss of water through excretion of waste materials, you need to drink more water to replenish lost water.

Should one wait to feel thirsty before drinking water?

The feeling of thirst means you are already dehydrating.

How often should one drink water?

 Is it just when you are eating food?

 How much water do you drink?

Do you drink any amount of water you want? 

The amount of water one should drink depends on 

How often you exercise 

Water should be taken before, during and after exercise. You are supposed to drink more water to make up for the fluid lost through sweating. 

The weather conditions of the place you live in affect the amount of water you drink

Do you live in a temperate region or tropical region? Folks living in hot climate regions should drink extra glasses of water than those in temperate region. Because dehydration can easily occur as a result of too much heat and sweating.

Underlying health condition affect the amount of water you drink

You may need to drink more ounces of water if you have some health conditions. 

Sick patients tend to lose lots of water due to high fever, diarrhea and vomiting. 

Patients of urinary tract infection and kidney stone are usually advised to drink more volume of water.

How many ounces of water should one drink?

Drinking water

Most researches are of the opinion that drinking 2 liters (8 glasses) of water is enough. 

Be as it may, according to US, Natural Academy of Sciences , Engineering and  Medicine; an adult living in a temperate region should drink;

2.7 liters of water for women

3.7 liters of water for men

These values include fluids from fruits, vegetables and foods, not just water.

Is drinking water the only way to prevent dehydration?


Eating foods with high volume of fluids such as fruits and vegetables can add up to the recommended daily intake of water.

 Do you know watermelon, cucumber, oranges and pineapple and others have high percentage of water content by weight. 

In addition, drinking milk, juices, tea, coffee  and other beverages could make up for the the part of the water required by the body.

Am I dehydrating?

You could be dehydrating, if; 

You are thirsty

Your urine is deeply coloured

How much water should you drink in a day to prevent dehydration?

How would you feel if you learnt that water shouldn't be taken in excess?

We know and believe that drinking water can never be enough. You have heard the advice, drink water always because it can never be enough.

Just like Epicurus said, "be moderate in order to taste the joy of life in abundance". Water should be taken with moderation not excessively.

Other health benefits of drinking water

How much water should you drink to keep the kidney healthy?

It is important to drink enough water for the kidney to function properly. The kidneys are responsible for cleaning the body of toxins and excess fluids. Drinking plenty of water ensures that they can do this job well. It also helps in maintaining a healthy weight, reducing high blood pressure and regulating blood sugar levels.

There are many benefits of drinking enough water on a daily basis. It is not just about staying hydrated but also about keeping your kidneys healthy!

How much water should you drink to lose weight

Water is the most important nutrient you can drink. It helps in the process of digestion, it's a natural appetite suppressant and it helps your body break down and process food.

The recommended amount of water to drink every day is 8-12 glasses. This is what experts say could help you lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.

Can drinking water reduce blood sugar level

For diabetics patients, high sugar levels in their blood can result in many health complications, including heart disease and blindness.

But, high sugar levels can be controlled through diet - and one of the most important aspects of a healthy diet for people with diabetes is drinking enough water to reduce blood sugar levels.

Latest research shows that drinking water does not reduce blood sugar levels for diabetics patients. We recommend looking for other ways to reduce blood sugar, such as reducing carbohydrates or reducing alcohol consumption.

Is there an unhealthy amount of water to drink

Water intoxication

Yes, there is, and this is seen in water intoxication

Water intoxication can also be called water poisoning, this is the interruption of the brain functioning.

Mild effects of drinking excess water

Constant headache



Severe effects of drinking excess water

  • Drowsiness
  • Increased high blood pressure
  • Confusion
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Swelling of body paths, high blood pressure, headache and death.

Do your know why this excess water cause swelling?

Studies showed that the excess water consumed tend to dilute the concentration of sodium in the body. Thereby reducing the functionality of sodium. 

What exactly does sodium has to do with the body system?

Sodium is an electrolyte in the body which controls the amount of fluids that enter and leave the cell. 

When is gets diluted it's power is reduced hence the amount of fluids entering the cells becomes uncontrollable.

This results to the swelling of the cell and overall body parts.

Therefore, to be on a safer side, I recommend following the body natural way to drink water. And drink few more glasses. But never exceed the daily recommended quantity.
