What is your experience on going to work early and late?

Lateness to work

We all want to put in our best. It starts by going to work early, attaining to one's duties and finishing up assigned duties on time.

How has been your deliverables at your work place? 

Good, better or best?

Mine is between good and better, when it comes to going to work on time?

Have you ever prepared work very early but reach your office late?

This has been my case and experience.

The reasons I go to work late, I guess you too

The simple reason most of the time is nothing but traffic congestion.  This can be frustrating, terrible and irritating. You know the feeling.

What are causes of traffic congestion?

Commuters have asked this question over and over again. To some, the drivers' impatience is the major cause while to some others bad road is the cause.
Yet some many people argue that increase in population of the citizens plays greater role in traffic jam.

How do you feel when you are late to work?

Initially I feel bad, very bad but at a point I told myself; enough of that, enough of beating myself up any day I get to my working place very late. 
Since it's totally not my fault, I don't have to keep feeling bad. 
I have observed feeling bad limit my performance for the day, so I stopped beating myself up.

What is your own reasons of going late to work?
What do you think is the major cause of  traffic congestion.
Why do people wake up late?
