The thing is, we tend to restrict children so much in a bit to 'protect them'.
"Ooh no stay one place, that's too dangerous Junior, you could get injured climbing there, no messing around with household stuffs".
I think it's way too much for these kids.
What does research say?
But do you know that research has it that constant withdrawing of kids from involving in outdoor 'dangerous' play result to more harm than good.
And technology?
Technological advancement has made the matter worse because an average kid spends not less than seven hour a day watching television or playing video games.
Most parents are definitely okay with this since they think that nothing distract the children or the kids don't get to mingle with lousy neighbours' kids.
But you got it all wrong!

Restricting your kids to the screen of TV, video games, and mobile phones would snatched their real identity from them.
Such kids lack self esteem, socializing power and they fitchet when talking to strangers or kids of their age.
Time comes when the kids employ defensive mechanisms just to protect their ego.
The child may refuse to carry out simple house chores.
May leave assigned duties unfinished.
Walks away when you're addressing him.
Get angry and cry over little things.
Junior no longer listen to mum or dad, he becomes aggressive, reserved and defensive.
This is seen more when parents scold them especially in front of strangers.
Why you kids won't listen to you
1. You deny the kids proprioception sense
Proprioception sense informs you the location of different part of your body parts without having to look or search for them.
You can drink juice and munch on cake without looking while watching basketball.
Applying cream all over the body while chatting at the time.
2. You denied the kids vestibular sense
This deals with the relationship between the body and the environment.
If your child lacks vestibular sense he would get frightened over mild issues, get depressed easily, lack self confidence, stagger when walking in public, fidget when addressing a stranger.
3. Distraction
Most kids don't listen to their or do what they are asked do because they are distracted.
Things that distract children include video games, home videos, Soap Operas, friends among others.
It's left for the parents to keep the rate at which the children are exposed to the above distractions at bay.
4. Interchanging discipline and punishment
There is a thing line between discipline and punishment, and you must be familiar with the difference.
Discipline means training a child with love to inculcate morals and values.
What discipline is not
Discipline is not stringent rules, regulations, punishment, it's not boring, rigid and forced obedience.
Reduce the rate at which you shout at the kids or nag and remember to correct them with love.
After punishing you kids, ensure you tell them the consequences of their actions.
Thanks for reading, please do well to comment and share.
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