Owing to the hardship resulting as from the pandemic of Corona virus ravaging the world today; most people have been think "what should I do to make money from home?"

Its quite understandable since no one goes to work any longer. Some workers are been laid off.
This situation has placed many people between the devil and red sea.
All I can say is this, do not give up for there is hope.
yea, once there is life their is hope.
Below are three things you can actually start from the comfort of your home and make cool money if you stick to the rules and remain persistence.
Who have not heard about blogging in this twenty first century? Well, am sure you have heard of it.
Blog is derived from the terms 'web log'; which means an online directory where people upload, share and document their daily experiences. skills, and knowledge for the world to see. Blog post are regularly updated as much as the writer wants also it allows the writer to interact with the reader easier than normal website.
From 15 article per day to infinity.
Blogging is not easy to do so to say; am not saying this to discourage you but to get your mind well prepared.
One can actually make loads of cash from bogging if you will calm down and learn.
Importance of blogging
1. It enables the write interact withe the readers.
2. It helps business owners to regularly update their business information.
3. It server as a side income source
4. The blogger tends to be more exposed than his contemporaries.
What you must know before making up your mind to venture into blogging:
It requires a whole lot of time before one can start earning.
To be a good blogger you must frequently come up with great content not just catchy titles.
You must constantly upgrade your blogging skills.
Ways to make money blogging
This is a programme owned by Google which allow bloggers make money by placing advertisement link on their post. You start making money when people start to click on advert placed on your site.
But note that sometime it is not easy to get Google adSense.
Atimes you tend to get approved on first trying while in some cased it may take up to one year.
Atimes you tend to get approved on first trying while in some cased it may take up to one year.
2. Amazon Affiliate marketing:
Amazon affiliate is a simple way of making money without any cost or price or you need to do is to login to amazon account fill in the forms and generate the marketing code.
the code is meant to be place on any part of the post.
It simply means marketing amazon products to your page visitors who might eventually make purchase via the link /code.
On any purchase made with your code a commission is paid to you by amazon.
3. Sponsored post:
This is the best way to promote your blog and make money as the same time. If you blog about a particular niche like mobile phones. A contract may be reached between you and a manufacturer of mobile phones to write about their new products. Of course this is down at an agreed price.
And so many other ways.
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