How to stay fit forever: 9 Tips for fitting workout into your daily routine

 Exercise definition

Are you overly busy during the day that you rarely have time for workout?  Could it be because of tight work schedules, house chores, kids, and other commitments?
Well, these are not enough reasons to exclude exercise in your daily routine.
Truth be told, there are lots of people out there who are more engaged than you’re but are still making out time for fitness training.
Nonetheless, it’s quite hard to fit in fitness training especially when you’re preoccupied by many things, the only way out is planning and sticking to the plans.

9 Tips for fitting workout in your daily life

Have a to-do-list

Fitness definition

Having a to-do-list of the activities you wish to carryout for the day and week will help set you out on a success pedal.
Try as much as possible to track how you’re going to spend each hour of everyday of the week.  Stipulate time for chit-chat, movies, gaming, sleeping, exercising and visiting.
This ensures you have a prepared mind for the task ahead without being discouraged.

Fuel your zeal

How to do workout

Without zeal, a person who started daily exercise happily will lose interest on the long run. More often than none this may happen as a result of no set goal or vision.
My humble advice is: in a paper outline the major goals of the planned workout.
Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to maintain a good health or do you want to get in shape?
Decide where to exercise and why.
 Simply because you want to make friends at the gym that will help keep you on course when the going gets tough.

When is your best workout time zone?

As this applies to studying, it applies here as well. You’ve got to do some research to determine which time of the day you perform best during workout.  Early morning or in the evening? If it is in the morning then why not set a timer to help you wake up to exercise. If the evening is your best time, then taking a walk every evening can do or going to gym would as well be awesome.

Make the workout regime part of you by forming the habit first

Exercising during workdays is a no-go for many people. And I guess you may fall within this group. The first thing to do is to bring to mind the goal of your exercise activities, and then plan on how to actualize this goal. This can be done by taking just 10 minutes out every morning to exercise for about eight weeks.
I can hear someone saying 10 minutes is too small.
Fair enough!
You may be right but remember all you need to do at this point is to make exercising part of you. Stretching the duration of your exercise can make you stop on the way. And that is what you must avoid. As you know forming a new habit doesn’t just happen overnight, it takes time. Therefore at this stage all you need to do is to focus on making exercising part of you.

Save the fuel or T-fare

How to Gym everyday

If your home is close to your working place, you can walk to your office at least twice a week. If you don’t live close to your office, walking to a certain distance for some minutes before boarding a cab will be wonderful.
On the same note, if you have a bike, try biking to work.
Doing any of the above will tremendously give you a good exercising experience and of course you get to save some cash.

Reduce the level of sedentary lifestyle 

Try as much as possible to include physical activities in your workday.  Add this to you to-do-list; taking 2 to 3 minutes walk around the office premises. Also climbing stairs as an alternative to elevator will be awesome. In addition, instead of sitting hours in board room discussing with your team while not divide the time. Use part of the time to take a walk round the work premises with them.

Do not negotiate your workout routine

To achieve your workout goals, it is important you take it seriously.   Stick to the plan don’t get tired on the way. Even when tiredness and inconsistency set in, do not be discouraged.

Consistency is vital for anyone to success in any area of life same applies here. To avoid being stopped on the way try to carry out the exercising tasks bit by bit, don’t overdo it.
For instance using three hours daily to exercise will make you get tired and lose interest.

Do not allow friends, families and other social activities come in between your workout plans.

Know your best exercise

Muscle building exercise

The type of exercise that is good for Mr A may not be okay for Mr B. there are various ways to determine the type of exercise you need. Could it be:
A.      Weight loss
B.      Cardio
C.      Muscle building
D.      Wellness
E.       Yoga

Consider early morning workouts

I believe at this point you have formed the habit of exercising regularly; I will like to advice you.  Consider morning exercise.
Do you know why?
Morning is the best time of the day to workout. All you need to do is plan your day ahead and wake up earlier. 

Why it is necessary to exercise in the morning include getting the workout activities done before other daily activities pop their head, your body system is boosted for optimum metabolism during the day. This enables you to burn more calories than before during the daily activities.

Exercising earlier keeps you at the right frame of mind for the day because you seem to be satisfied. 

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