Do you know Chili pepper can prevent lung and breast cancer? #Food news

The natural and popular spice you and I know has been reported to have the likelihood of preventing cancer. 

Who would have believed it, but it is the truth.

This is as a result of phytochemical in chili pepper known as Capsaicin.

According to Joan C. Edwards School of Medicines’ Researchers, the pungency of this chemical posse it to perform such a preventive function.

Cancer of the lung has remained difficult to cure hence causes death among men and women in the US (American Cancer Society).  This is so because of a process called; metastasis the third stage of cancer.

A survey by America Chemical Society shows that 200,000 people are hit by the scourge of this illness and not less than 150,000 people die from the disease which usually metastasize / extend to other parts of the body.

Research shows that Capsaicin inhibited the first stage of cancerous growth.

Also, animal trial conducted with mice shows that animals fed with Capsaicin had a very low concentration of metastatic cancerous cells in their lungs than mice which was not fed with the phytochemical.

The mechanism of action of capsaicin is by preventing the activation of SRC protein; a protein which regulates the propagation, survival and death of cells.

Jamie Friedman, one of the researchers proposed that anti-metastatic treatments could be developed to improve the treatment of lung cancer.

In addition to numerous other studies, these researchers found that Capsaicin in chili pepper can reduce the effect of triple-negative breast cancer, a cancer which is quite aggressive and difficult to treat.
Researchers from Ruhr University Bochum in Germany were elated and motivated from the outcome of their finding, which shows the positive effect of the spice on SUM149T cell culture of the triple-negative breast cancer. 

More importantly their work suggests that olfactory receptor TRPV1 could be employed in the treatment of this disease because the addition of Capsaicin and Helional to the cell culture activated the TRPV1. This in turn caused the death of the cancerous cells as well as the destruction of tumor cells.

In conclusion, the rate of spreading of cancerous cells to other parts of the body decreased drastically.

Adverse effects of  Capsaicin are
Burning sensation.
Irritating to the eye and skin .
Stomach cramp among others.
It can aggravate ulcer but please, it does not cause ulcer.
 Call for action
Include chili pepper in your diet often, not just to increase the heat of the food but because of the health benefits.
Spread the good news to other people.
It can be dried, milled into powder and stored.


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